

日前,中共媒《人民日报 》政文微信的文章 透露,中共前政法委书记周永康 ,可能在下周召开的四中全会上被开除党籍,并被决定是否移送司法。

下周一,为期四天的中共中央四中全会将在北京召开。《人民日报》14号通过其政文部微信账号,发表评论文章说,今年7月29号,中共对周永康立案审查后,审查结果如何,是否开除党籍、移送司法等问题 ,有望在四中全会上作出安排。

另外,目前仍在接受调查的中共、国资委原主任蒋洁敏、公安部原副部长李东生;中央候补委员、广州原市委书记、四川省委原副书记中国 石油天然气集团公司原副总经理王永春等人的处理决定,也将在四中全会上追认。







张健:〝中共给他定罪的话,有可能是从腐败、买官卖官和女色,在这几个方面是一个重点。至于其他的,像我们最关心的,对的迫害、活体器官的摘除、对于整个中国社会民众集体 抗争事件的暴力镇压。像这些方面的话,我相信中共还是不会提及的。正如当年对待的案件一样。〞


北京时政 观察人士华颇:〝从最近这一系列事件来看,香港事件,还有国内的事件,各地的既得利益集团,进行了疯狂的反扑。打周永康,打了这只老虎,没有对其他人有足够的威慑。所以我想,还会有一些大老虎被打。〞

除了外媒透露出的周永康案,党媒报导,这次四中全会的主题将是〝依法治国〞。人民网13号说,四中全会以〝依法治国〞为主题讨论,是历史 上的第一次。


华颇:〝所谓的依法治国,依宪治国,我想中共是有选择 的依照宪法了。就是党权的地位加强,就是所谓的‘四个坚持’,这是宪法上写的,它会一定要依照的。但是这个民权,就是宪法二十五条,就是公民有言论、游行、示威、出版、结社的自由,我看估计是不会依照的。〞


采访/朱智善 编辑/尚燕 后制/陈建铭

Party Media: Fourth Plenum May Publicize Zhou Yongkang’s Case

People’s Daily recently analyzed that during

the Fourth Plenary Session next week the former secretary

of the Central Politics and Law Commission Zhou Yongkang

could be expelled from the party and prosecuted.

The four-day Fourth Plenary Session of the Central

Committee will be held in Beijing next Monday.

A People’s Daily article on the 14th explained the case

investigation of Zhou Yongkang on July 29 could be

revealed during the meeting.

Other investigations such as those of former director

of SASAC Jiang Jiemin, former Vice Minister of Public

Security Li Dongsheng, former Party Secretary of Guangzhou

Wan Qingliang, former deputy secretary of Sichuan

Provincial Committee Li Chuncheng, and former deputy

general manager of PetroChina Wang Yongchun, will also

be ratified at the Fourth Plenary Session.

Reuters reported that the Central Commission for Discipline

Inspection will present its findings in a report on Zhou,

according to three sources.

“The Central Committee is expected to approve

(a proposal to) expel Zhou for grave violations

of party discipline and decide whether to turn him over

for prosecution,” one source with leadership ties told Reuters.

The source added, “If the Central Committee votes

to prosecute Zhou, the process will drag out due to a lack

of (judicial) manpower and the complexity of the case.”

Zhang Jian, China’s social problems researcher: “Regardless

of the speculation, the Fourth Plenary Session will be the best

time to open up on the Zhou Yongkang issue.

Through the Fourth Plenary, it is time to form a public

argument internally and externally.”

According to Reuters, Zhou has been put under virtual house

arrest since late 2013 and investigated for corruption involving

family members and political allies as well as ordering

the bugging of the telephones of top leaders

and the mysterious death of his former wife in a road accident,

sources have said.

More than 300 of Zhou’s relatives, political allies and their

business associates have been arrested, detained or questioned

over the past two years, according to sources briefed

on the investigations.

The trials of some of Zhou’s allies could start as early as

this year, the sources said.

Chinese authorities have seized assets worth at least

90 billion yuan ($14.5 billion) from these people,

the sources added.

Reuters also reported, but the party is unlikely to reveal

the entire story because it would further undermine its image

and make it difficult to explain to the public how Zhou

climbed the political ladder to eventually become a member

of the Politburo Standing Committee, sources and analysts said.

Zhang Jian: “The CCP could convict him mainly on

corruption, buying and selling official titles, and sex scandals.

As for the rest, such as what we are most concerned about—

the persecution of human rights, live organ harvesting,

and the violent suppression of masses protests in the entire

society— I don’t believe the CCP would mention any

of them, just like how Bo Xilai’s case was handled back then.”

Xi Jinping’s “hitting the tiger” campaign has broken

an unwritten rule that members of the Standing Committee

would not come under scrutiny after retirement.

But, observers believe even Zhou’s case will be confirmed

in the Fourth Plenum but won’t be the end of the campaign.

Beijing politics watcher Hua Po: “The recent series

of incidents such as the Hong Kong protest and other domestic

events have shown a frenzied counterattack

by the vested interest groups.

Beating Zhou Yongkang did not serve enough deterrent

to other tigers.

I am sure there are other tigers to be hit.”

People’s Daily said the Fourth Plenum theme

will also include “rule of law.”

The discussion of “rule of law” during the plenum

will be the first time in history.

“The rule of law” was introduced during

the 15th National Congress in 1997.

It has been 17 years, observers don’t hold much hope

for any change to the ruling under the Communist regime.

Hua Po: “The so-called rule of law or Constitution,

I think it’s optional to the CCP.

For instance, the Constitution says to strengthen the CCP

ruling and the four cardinal principles,

are what the CCP will abide by.

But, the civil rights in the Constitution article 25

about freedom of speech, parades, demonstrations,

publication, freedom of association, I don’t think the CCP

will honor them.”

There are also commentators who indicated

personnel changes will take place during the Fourth Plenary.

Eight of the 10 previous Fourth Plenum have engaged

in arrangement changes, in particularly

the Politburo leadership.

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/ShanYan Post-Production/Chen Jianming

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