
【禁闻】宋林腐败被揭 温家宝亲批 动不了

北京《经济参考报》记者自去年7月,实名举报 〝华润集团〞董事长宋林渎职后,日前再次举报宋林包养情妇 ,涉嫌贪腐等。但宋林发声明否认。大陆 揭黑记者披露,2010年以来,宋林多次遭举报,前总理温家宝还做了调查,但被〝人为制止〞。4月17号,纪委监察部网站 消息透露,宋林因涉嫌严重违纪违法,正接受组织调查。

4月15号,北京《新华通讯社》主办的全国性报纸《经济参考报》首席记者王文志,在新浪微博上,再次实名举报 〝华润集团〞董事长宋林包养情妇,并涉嫌巨额贪腐。


信中还说,杨某本人及她的亲属名下,在中国 境内外拥有十亿元以上资产,包括在苏州、常州、上海、香港等地,拥有大量别墅等高档房产,除此之外,在境内外银行还有巨额存款等。信中还附有两张宋林与杨丽娟的合照。



16号,宋林在〝华润集团〞官方网站上发声明说,举报内容纯属捏造和恶意中伤,他将通过法律 途径,对一切造谣诽谤人士及机构,追究民事及刑事责任。

北京时政 观察人士华颇指出,宋林遭到一轮接一轮的举报,抛出的证据一个比一个猛,幕后肯定有人在支持。




李建军披露,早在2010年,中共审计署在调查另一起与〝华润〞有关的煤矿收购问题 时,已掌握大量证据,〝但是被某高层 介入强行压制下来〞。






评论认为,宋林被视为另一派既得利益者的代言人,扳倒他再顺藤摸瓜,便可以狙击幕后的权贵集团,从而掌握〝华润〞的庞大资产。因此这宗举报案,很可能是中共高层 权斗的战。

采访编辑/李韵 后制/陈建铭


Wen Jiabao Loses in The Tackling of Song Lin’s Corruption Case

Xinhua News Agency correspondent Wang Wenzhi, alleged malfeasance against China Resources Holding (CRH) Chairman Song Lin last July, has recently reported again Song Lin’s mistress involvment in laundering funds gained through corruption. Song Lin rejected the allegation. It is revealed that since 2010 many reports against Song Lin and even investigation by former Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao had met resistance.

On April 17, the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection suddenly released that Song Lin is being investigated for suspicion of serious violation of the law.

On April 15, Wang Wenzhi, a principal reporter at Xinhua’s Economic Information Daily newspaper, published fresh allegations against CRH Chairman Song Lin in a blog on Sina Weibo, about his massive corruption and his mistress.

He wrote that, Jiangsu-born Yang Lijuan, was mistress of Song Lin. Song used his position to arrange for her to work in UBS offices in Hong Kong and Shanghai. Yang became an important channel for Song Lin to accept bribes

and launder money.

He also wrote that Yang Lijuan and her relatives now hold assets of more than one billion yuan (U.S. $160.7 million) both at home and abroad, including a large number of villas and other luxury properties in Suzhou, Changzhou, Shanghai, and Hong Kong, as well as huge deposits in domestic and foreign banks. Attached with the post are two photos showing both Song and Yang together.

July 17 last year, Wang Wenzhi had accused Song Lin and other executives of state-owned CRH of massive corruption: They intentionally overpaid the acquisition of coal mines in Shanxi, resulting in state asset losses in billions of yuan.

Song Lin was not investigated, but reporter Wang Wenzhi was threatened.

On April 16, Song Lin responded in an on-line statement that he rejected the false allegations and he reserves the right to pursue legal action.

Beijing politics watcher Hua Po indicates that all the reports against Song Lin with solid evidence was an indication that someone is definitely supporting behind the scenes.

Hua Po, Beijing politics watcher: “None of the information can be easily obtained by a Xinhua reporter. These evidences were obviously provided by the state security sector. At least from the perspective of his personal life being lacking in discretion could get him sacked.”

In fact, Wang Wenzhi is not the only reporter who accused the corruption of Song Lin and the CRH. Last year, former Shanxi Evening News had also made allegations of corruption against Song Lin, but was threatened and thus stayed in Hong Kong.

Li Jianjun, former Shanxi Evening News reporter: “I believe Wang Wenzhi is holding more evidence. He had mentioned it, even though he did not make it public, such as their bank accounts, employments, and properties. His allegation has to be true.”

Li Jianjun discloses that as early as in 2010, the CCP Audit has investigated the mine acquisition by CRH and obtained massive evidence. It was only blocked by the top authorities.

Premier Wen Jiabao also personally instructed to investigate Song Lin in 2011 when CRH was accused of misappropriation of funds. But prior to the 18th

National Congress, it was stopped, according to Li Jianjun.

Li Jianjun: “It was reported in 2010 to the highest central, but no

investigation was instructed. Think about it, this case was kept in the dark until I pursued the legal action in Hong Kong last year. There is definitely a ‘big tiger’ behind Song Lin.”

Hua Po analyzes that Song Lin being again reported can be a manifestation of the intensified power struggle within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Hua Po: “With the deepening of the CCP hitting the tigers, I believe the vested interest group represented by Song Lin has been targeted. There really is barely anyone innocent under the CCP system.”

Hong Kong’s Oriental Daily revealed on April 17 that China Resources is a state-owned conglomerate holding trillion yuan of state assets. Countless princelings have been hired by CRH and became the most valuable assets to Song Lin both politically and financially, as well as the protecting umbrellas.

Critics say Song Lin is regarded as the spokesman for a vested interests faction. His toppling will lead to the elite group behind and mastering the huge assets of CRH. The accusations against Song Lin could be a skirmish of the power struggle at the CCP central.

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