
【禁闻】女作家徐晓被捕原因成谜 文界不满




》报导说,徐晓被警方带走的消息传出后,章诒和 崔卫平 等大陆文化界众多人士纷纷表示了不解。

中国 知名的新媒体推动者北风:〝据我们平常对徐晓的了解,她不存在任何危害国家安全之类的行为,所以她被官方抓走是一个很让人不可思议的事情,但是我们真的没法把这次跟过往四十年前她‘搜集流传反动小说 、诗词’之类的行为去对比,因为文革毕竟是一个谎谬的年代,也是反的年代,跟现在做对比,完全没有多大的可比性。〞

据维基百科录入的信息显示,1975年文化大革命 时期,徐晓曾被当局指控参加所谓的〝第四国际反革命集团〞而入狱。自1982年起,她开始从事记者、编辑等工作,并发表了多篇散文、短篇小说和诗歌等。

北京《iLOOK》杂志出版人洪晃表示:〝我迫切想知道文化编辑怎么‘危害国家安全’来着?〞诗人 叶匡政说:〝又回到了1975年,那时叫‘现行反革命’,现在叫‘危害国家安全’。〞北京外国语大学国际新闻 与传播系教授展江感慨:〝事已至此,黯然神伤。〞



但立人图书馆前总干事贺飞辉在接受《》采访时表示,他认为上述几人的被抓,与〝立人大学〞关系不大。因为徐晓只是曾义务在〝立人大学〞当过老师,而柳建树和薛野早已离开〝立人〞,参与 的活动也不多。




《独立中文 笔会》1号发表声明称,鉴于今年已有越来越多作家、记者、学者、出版人因言获罪,从而被捕、受审,《独立中文笔会》非常担忧徐晓女士等四人也同样成为当代文字狱的新一轮受害者,为此强烈要求有关当局:尽快依法向他们的亲属说明拘捕原因和去向,根据中国第35条,确保他们所应享有的公民言论等基本人权。

采访/尚燕 编辑/张天宇


Chinese NGO Staff Targeted by Chinese Regime.

Well-known Chinese writer and New Century Chief Cultural Editor Xu Xiao was recently taken away by Beijing police for apparently “endangering national security”. Xu is nearly 60 years old.

Her family didn't know about her arrest until a couple of days later.

A few other writers also disappeared around the same time.

The outside world speculates that Xu’s arrested might be related to officials’ purging of two non-profit organizations.

Radio Free Asia reported on Dec. 1 that Xu's friend, Beijing Wansheng Book Garden founder Liu Suli messaged on Nov. 29 via microblog, that Beijing police verified Xu Xiao was removed by Beijing Municipal Bureau Pre-Court Group.

Xu's family members said they did not receive any documents.

They only found out Xu was detained after asking the police. The police gave the reason of “endangering national security”.

The BBC reported that many intellectuals in China such as Zhang Yihe and Cui Weiping are puzzled over Xu's arrest.

China's well-know new media promoter Bei Feng, “From our understanding of Xu Xiao, she does not do anything harmful to national security. Her arrest is very hard to understand.

We cannot relate this arrest to what she did 40 years ago for “Collecting And Circulation Counter-Revolutionary novels and poems.” The age of Cultural Revolution is absurd. We should not make such a comparison”

Since 1982 she began working as a reporter and editor and published a number of essays, short stories and poems.

Beijing iLOOK magazine publisher Hong Huang said, “I desperately want to know how a cultural editor can damage National Security.”

Poet Ye Kuangzheng said, “We are back to 1975.

Back then the crime was referred as Current Counter-Revolutionist. Now it is called Damage to National Security.”

Professor of International Journalism and Communication Department of Beijing Foreign Studies University Zhan Jiang Sighed, “With what is going on now, I am so sad.”

Xu Xiao’s friend and the report of People's Livelihood Watch, said three others were arrested the same day as Xu Xiao.

They are former Liren Village Library Director Xue Ye, former Liren Village Library Deputy Director Liu Jianshu, and Beijing Chuanzhi Social and Economic Research Center Operations Director He Zhengjun.

The outside world speculates that Xu's arrest might be related to Liren University.

In September, NGO Liren Village Library with branches in more than 20 provinces and cities was forced to shut down due to threats and suppression from the authorities.

Former Liren Library General Director He Feihui told RFA the arrest of these people had little to do with Liren University.

Xu Xiao only taught at Liren University as a voluntary Teacher; Liu Jianshu and Xue Ye left Liren long time ago.

Bei Feng, “We have no way to find out why she was taken away.

It is hard to say it is related to Liren or if she was arrested because of teaching there.”

There are also rumors that Xu Xiao's arrest is related to a NGO organization “Chuangzhixing.”

There is a lot of speculation.

Bei Feng: “If we look at the arrest of Xu Xiao and Xue Ye, there is no doubt that the officials are suppressing NGOs, dissidents or political opposition groups. The pressure is getting stronger and stronger.”

It said ICPC is worried Xu Xiao and the other four people are victims of the new round of literary inquisition.

More and more writers, reporters, scholars and publishers have been arrested and trialed for their speech this year.

ICPC strongly urges the authorities: explain to the family as soon as possible the reason of Xu’s arrest and where she is.

Ensure their right of speech and other basic human rights according to China’s Constitution Article 35.

NTD Reporters Shan Yan and Zhang Tianyu

Email订阅禁闻 来源:新唐人

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