

这两天有许多民众表示,因为看了《共产》,而决定摆脱。有人特意在《九评 》发表十周年的日子,全家退党 。来看他们的声明。

广州的余春光说:〝我2009年因为不堪国内互联网的封锁,接触到〝动态网〞,才得以拜读《九评》,才知道中共原来是如此邪恶!才得知江泽民所发动的消灭法轮功 运动是多么无耻和肮脏!

多亏了《》,多亏了《九评》,多亏所有正义 的记者,学者和世界上支持中国 人民追求渴望的人们!因为有你们,我们并不孤单!面对中共暴政 时,我们并不退却!


选择 今天,带上我的妻子和女儿,郑重声明:我们从此退出中共的一切组织!〞

内蒙赤峰甄来福等88人声明三退 说:〝看了《九评》,如梦方醒。中共这个邪灵一直用邪恶的党文化 毒害民众,摧残中华民族几千年来光辉灿烂的文明,残害众多无辜的生命,从其建政以来搞的历次运动,屠城,到无端发动,以及活体摘除法轮功学员器官焚尸灭迹,邪恶至极,令人神共怒,在此声明,退出中共恶党的少先队等一切附属组织,坚决不与恶党为伍,远离邪恶,抹去兽记 ,选择光明的未来 。〞

Thursday, Nov. 20

Quit CCP Update

These days, there have been people indicating their decision

to cut clean from the CCP after reading the Nine Commentaries

on the Communist Party.

There are also people intentionally announcing their

withdrawals on the tenth anniversary of the publication

of the Nine Commentaries.

Let’s look at their statements.

Yu Chunguang from Guangzhou wrote:

I had finally learned about the Freegate in 2009 after having

had enough of Internet blockage.

I was then able to read the Nine Commentaries and realized

the evilness of the CCP!

I also learned of the shamelessness and dirtiness

of the eradication campaign of Jiang Zemin against Falun Gong!

Thanks to the Epoch Times, thanks to the Nine Commentaries,

thanks to all righteous reporters, academics and worldwide

supporters of the Chinese people’s pursuit of democracy!

Because of you, we are not alone!

In the face of Communist tyranny, we do not stand back!

The CCP will perish! Democracy will land in China!

Our future generations will bear in mind what we pay today!

I specifically chose today, along with my wife and daughter,

to solemnly declare:

We withdraw from all organizations of the CCP!

Chen Laifu from Chifeng City of Inner Mongolia, on behalf

of 88 people, declares withdrawal from the CCP:

It was like waking up from a dream after reading

the Nine Commentaries of the Communist Party.

The CCP specter with its party culture has been poisoning people,

destroying the 5,000 years of splendid Chinese civilization,

maiming many innocent lives, since its foundation.

Its extreme evilness has angered both gods and men

with its political movements, Tiananmen massacre,

the persecution of Falun Gong and the live organ harvesting

and cremation to cover up the evidence.

In this statement, I quit the evil CCP’s Young Pioneers

and all affiliated organizations.

I am determined to be disassociated from the evil party,

to stay away from the evil, to erase the mark of the beast,

and to choose a bright future.

Email订阅禁闻 来源:新唐人

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